
Under the eyes and face a long brown round by

Under the eyes and face a long brown round by


Hello, my eyes and face below by long round brown spot has 3 years I 28. Disappointed dead, seemingly below the eye also long and two quick shallow spot is round.
The problem is I don't know what is this spot, should not be the class. I can LaoRenBan is 28. Sunburn is red me not. Excuse me: what is this spot
How then can thoroughly treatment?

Added question 1:(2010-08-11 12:53:52)
Too many kinds of bots, you can say I belong to any spot? Shallow brown spots, probably have little round about ZhiJiaGai, size. In a little while right eye, right beside it is round

Added question 2:(2010-08-11 12:57:18)
Come, my doctor see or find my face in the said also said it is not clear


Bots can be made of different kinds of laser treatment, suitable for different spots of laser treatment to the hospital for experts, according to the actual situation, choose suitable to normal hospital JiGuangJi treatment for security

